Tisovec Lutheran High School      
bilingual Slovak-English


Auction of Slaves

As it is a tradition for our school, this year the student company Eaglet reserved two days, the 12th and 13th of November 2014, during which the Auctions of Slaves took place in the hall of the second floor. The students, but also teachers, were auctioned off.
The point of the whole event was to auction off your proposal that will offer a variety of interesting services. The auction went really well, we were excited about how many candidates were literally fighting to purchase the slaves.
All students and teachers were successfully auctioned off and all at a very decent amount of money (about 5, 7, 9 or 10 € per person). These newly acquired funds will be used to cover various costs of the student company.

text: Valentína Grendová, Radka Grendová, 4. B
photo: Dalibor Baran 4. A, Lucia Štempelová 4. B

The fastest way to view the pictures on a touch screen: tap the last thumbnail, then by taping move backward through the pictures!


Dražba otrokov

Ako to býva zvykom, aj tento rok si študentská spoločnosť Eaglet vyhradila dva dni, 12.-13. novembra 2014, počas ktorých sa uskutočnila tzv. Dražba otrokov, ktorá prebiehala na chodbe druhého poschodia.
Dražili sa študenti, ale aj učitelia. Pointou celej tejto udalosti bolo vydražiť si subjekt, ktorý svojmu kupcovi ponúkne rôzne zaujímavé služby. Dražba prebehla podľa očakávaní, dokonca sme boli nadšení, koľko bolo záujemcov, ktorí sa doslova bili o kúpu toho svojho otroka.
Úspešne sa vydražili všetci členovia za veľmi slušné sumy (približne 5,7,9 alebo 10€ na osobu). Novozískané finančné prostriedky sa použijú na pokrytie rôznych nákladov v podnikateľskej činnosti firmy.

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk